European Experience

Short Trips
Woodlands Academy would like the students to benefit from their stay in Europe, by visiting other countries as we are on Europe’s doorstep.
These trips are optional. Should the student not participate in the following trips, she may stay at Woodlands.
- London in England
- Paris in France
- Fatima & Lisbon in Portugal
Extended Trips
Switzerland and Italy Trip
The students are encouraged to participate in the longer trips – Switzerland (staying at Le Chatelard Academy) in February and Italy at Easter as these events foster friendship and companionship as well as serving as a powerful tool for the students human and cultural formation.

Trip Planning & Cancelation Policy
Refunds due to cancelation of extended trips are subject to penalties. See signed refunds page in initial application to the Academy.
No refunds will be made on payments made for extended trips unless written cancelation notice be given to and receipt acknowledged by a recognized representative of Oak Management, Ltd. eight weeks prior to the first day of the trip. However, in such cases parents are asked to bear in mind that any reservation fees already paid to travel agencies, airlines, hotels or resorts on behalf of the student will be deducted from any forthcoming refund.
Information for Students Not Attending Extended Trips
The ski trip in February is optional for students, however if students do not go on the trip, they must travel home during this period as the Academy closes.
The Academy closes at Christmas and Easter.
If the Academy is closed during any of the trips, the students must travel home. Parents are responsible for all travel arrangements. Should airline travel be necessary, parents are kindly requested to schedule flights out of Dublin airport with departures between 11AM and 6PM as indicated in the calendar. Students should return to the Academy as indicated in the calendar, arriving at Dublin airport between 11AM and 6PM. Custody should be organised by parents if their child is to fly home with an airline as a minor.