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Practical Information

  /    /  Practical Information


Our website plays an important part in communication with parents.  There is lots of useful information on this site in general, including information on our campus, our mission, staff information etc.  I would particularly like to draw your attention to the ‘PARENTS’ section of the website.

This section is for student’s parents only and is not for public viewing.  As this is personal information and for the protection of your child’s privacy, you will need passwords to enter this site. This information is sent to you in a welcome package before arrival, by email.

Please see our Facebook page, Woodlands Academy, where there are lots of photos/videos and news uploaded daily, which is always reassuring for parents when their daughter is away from home.Concerning the communication with the different departments in our school, full details will be sent in the welcome package.

For any general enquiries please email or contact us by telephone to the Academy – 00 353 1 2866323.

Phone Calls

For phone calls at Woodlands, your daughter will be given an Irish mobile phone to use, which she will have access at scheduled times for phone calls during the week.
This mobile phone number and designated days and times each week for phone calls, will be communicated directly to parents by email before arrival to the summer camp.
Your daughter will also have time for Internet/Emails each week. The exact times will be given to her on arrival and sent to you by email.

Personal Account

Throughout the Summer Camp, your daughter will have a Personal Account where you can lodge money before her arrival, to cover her personal expenses, such as purchases from our school shop, pocket money for outings etc. Pocket money is given to your daughter twice a week.  If more money is required at any point, this can be requested by sending an email to our Personal Accounts department.

Using the personal account ensures money is kept safe at all times. Students are not permitted to have large sums of cash at camp, it must be lodged to the Personal Account.
The recommended amount of money to be lodged to the Personal Account is €250 for the 4 week camp and €125 for the 2 week camp.

Doctors and Dental Visits

Any specific medical requests should be sent in writing on application. Should your daughter need to be taken to see the Academy Doctor/Dentist/Orthodontist throughout her stay, these visits will be charged directly to her personal account.

Clothes List/Laundry

In order to have a more efficient laundry service, while your daughter is here, each student’s clothes is marked with a laundry number. This information is sent to you as part of the welcome package you receive before arrival. Please mark all of your daughter’s clothes with this laundry number and bring extra labels for any clothes which may be bought on shopping outings in Dublin while she is here. Woodlands Academy will provide a summer camp T-shirt on arrival.

List of Clothes

Clothes the participant should bring with her to Wingfield Camp

3 tracksuits for cold climate
3 pants
3 long sleeved shirts
4 T-shirts
1 jacket
1 raincoat
1 swimsuit
2 warm pajamas
1 dressing gown
1 pair of slippers
1 pair of shower sandals
1 pair of shoes
2 pairs of tennis shoes
6 underwear sets
6 pairs of socks
1 complete set of toilet articles:
hair brush and comb soap
shampoo toothbrush
toothpaste body creme
nail clipper etc.


1. We suggest that students bring camera
2. Do not bring towels, i-pod, DVD, CD’S, video games, magazines or cellular phone.
3. Please mark all clothes and articles with the assigned number.
4. Please make sure the clothes are machine washable, not needing dry cleaning.
5. Please bring just one piece of luggage with a tag with personal information and red ribbon.