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Tuition and Fees

  /    /  Tuition and Fees

Woodlands Academy currently offers its academic courses for young women in grades 6th and 9th.

Most of our students come for a regular Annual Course that runs from mid September to mid June.

There are options available for students who can only come for shorter programs:

– Students in the Autumn Program arrive in September and stay until December.

– The Spring Program is geared towards those students who begin the school year in their own school and wish to finish it at Woodlands, arriving in January and leaving in June

*Option to stay at the academy at $150 USD per day. (There should be at least 4 students signed up to offer this option)
**The academy remains closed during this trip

Trips should be confirmed by the first day of classes, and trip payments should be at least a month before departure

Notes for Year Courses:

Prices do not include flights to and from Ireland. Prices do not include Personal Expenses – each Academy has an account for personal expenses. International trips are optional and incur additional fees as below:
Availability for Semester, Autumn, and Spring courses depends on the space. There are special prices for annual and autumn courses if you pay the whole payment in advance: up to January 15st and April 15th. All prices are subject to change without further notice. The indicated dates are for student arrival and departure.  Students accepted must pay the Booking Fee to reserve the student’s place and they may receive the welcome package.

Personal account(Minimum recommended)
Clinics Uniforms – Extra Charges outlined in below table


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